I make these a lot. I invented them when I was writing Little Green and became intrigued by Cuban food. This is not a Cuban recipe, it’s more a hippie girl take off of a Cuban recipe (measurements are eyeballed). You can use leftovers for enchiladas, quesadillas, mixed in with mac and cheese or under a big old blanket of corn bread. Mmmm…. corn bread!
3 cups dried black beans soaked overnight, rinsed, drained. Cover with fresh water and cook until tender with a fresh bay leaf. Do Not Salt Your Beans, cowgirls—makes ‘em tough.
In olive oil saute 2 chopped onions until translucent, add 1 chopped red pepper, 4 fat cloves of garlic chopped, I chopped and seeded jalapeno pepper, 2 heaping spoons each; cumin, oregano, chili powder and kosher salt and red chili flakes to taste. Peel and chop into stew sized chunks—2 medium sized yams or sweet potatoes, big handful chopped cilantro, 2 small or 1 medium orange quartered, peel and all. Pour in beans and 1 cup of their liquid. Add fresh orange juice to barely cover contents. Bring to a simmer uncovered and cook until vegetables are tender. Adjust seasonings. Serve on rice. I love to make a salad of jicama, orange and avocado with a little lime and olive oil drizzled over on a bed of bitter greens.